Thursday, 24 February 2011

oooh busy-ness!!!!! -.-

February came around in no time, and has flown before my eyes. Yes, I am aware it is the shortest month of them all, but seriously!? I've had absolutely no time for myself! ha ha I am exhausted as I type this little blog post, because I feel like I have been neglecting my online prescense recently, and thought I better mark my territory online, especially in honour of finally buying my own domain and domain email addresses this week! And a wee little break to Cape Town on Sunday for some chill time! Wohoo!

From starting filming of Jozi's Next Super Model with Model TV, to my personal projects, learning how to airbrush and body paint and makeup for other fabulous people like Graphic Art Photography, NGD Photography & Turtlephin Photography. WHERE HAS MY "ME" TIME DISAPPEARED TO?!

I cannot complain really, I've had a great month. I kicked off my "Beauty Files" project and have had a couple of paid shoots in between, always nice to have paid shoots, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right :)

Sooo, since I have been neglecting my blog the priveledge of having images up... here is some recent work from the past 2 months!

Would love to hear all your thoughts :)

Caylin Anderson - "Beauty Files"
Makeup & Photography by missfitz

Stacey Lee - "Beauty Files"
Makeup & Photography by missfitz
Leigh - "Beauty Files"
Makeup & Photography by missfitz

Maxine - "Beauty Files"
Makeup & Photography by missfitz

That's all for now, once I'm back from Cape Town next Wednesday I have Beauty Files shoots coming out my ears, so I will keep the web posted with my latest work!!

And one updated picture of me :O only taken cos they needed it for some work I've done for an online magazine! ha ha...

Peace, love & Cupcakes
