Thursday, 19 May 2011

My makeup muscles are tired!

This year has been makeup madness, here are a few pictures to show what's been keeping me so busy with brushes in my hand... not to mention all the work I did on Jozi's Next Super Model which I'm not allowed to upload as of yet before the show airs. Please Note: None of these photographs were taken by MissFitz Studio, but individually creditted back to the photographer of said images.
Jackie Van Staden for Tegan Leigh and Storm Thomas' Wedding in February...

Roxanne Meiring for a modern pin-up shoot with Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography

Megan for a test shoot with Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography

Ceri-Leigh with a shoot with Graphic Art

Lara for a shoot with Turtlephin Photography

Beauty Files Shoot with Ana shot by the one and only Sinforme Industries

Modern Pin Up Shoot with Caylin by Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography

Water Shoot with Kirsten, shot by Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography

Modern Pin Up Shoot with Caylin by Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography

There you have it, a couple of images of what I've been up to with my makeup brushes... there are loads more but I simply don't have time to wait for them to upload! Maybe some more later :)

Peace love and cupcakes,

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