Apparently, Paris Hilton is in South Africa. I don't particulary care, yet here I am writing a blog about it. The main purpose behind this blog is that there are so many celebrities nowadays and they are all so famous and a lot have a ton of respect from the public for doing good things, and others well are all we talk about. Here is a prime example of one, Paris Hilton, famous for what?
In a way, I do have to give it to her, I mean she could possibly start the next revolution, or at least a move towards the next revolution, since she is respected and disrespected by so many people, and is constantly in the public eye but to start a revolution you'd actually have to use the wonderful evolotion of thousands of years that our brains have undergone and it doesn't seem like any of these girls do use their brains, generally only their publicists. With that amount of exposure, what would you as an ordinary citizen do? Even if you did get famous and "known" for having a sex video leak of yourself?? Why not battle to solve one of the worlds major problems, instead of getting drunk and partying on tables showing your underwear or lack there of, Paris?
Sometimes, when I switch on the tv and the E! channel has been left on I find myself sitting there and cringing at the shit that they talk about, who cares who is knocking up who? Or who Miley Cyrus is dating? Or who's getting married/divorced and having babies and calling them after fruit and alcohol? I don't give a fuck, but there must be so many people in the world who actually do, for the fact that an american channel has reached South Africa, so therefore its not only the Americans that care, its clearly a large enough amount of the South Africans that actually care about the scandalous lives of the brats in America, who just influence small kids into being as slutty as possible at a young age. Let the kids be kids, don't let them be influenced by the crap that is that of the social lives of these people.
Oh well, enough about that... Thats my opinion, everyone has their own about people like this, and yes I'm making a sceptical of Paris, but she is not the only one, look at Kim Kardashian for example. They are the people that make a small minority of the models that I've had the (dis)pleasure of working with so dificult, because the models all think people like Paris, Britney, Lindsay, Kim, the list goes on are amazing, and guess what? They're just spoilt, over paid, brats.
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