Monday, 13 December 2010
Makeup for Fashion Show - Check!
Jozi's Next Top Model had their official launch party for the top 10 finalists on Saturday night at Jet Nightclub. I did the makeup for 3 of the models and the one woman who organised the show, Hannah Young. I also did some last minute touch ups on the presenter who mainly did her makeup for herself but wasnt told that there was going to be makeup artists present. She is on etv, and I also got some stunning photographs of her. There were two other makeup artists present for the preparation stage, but left after they had finished - I stayed for the whole show for those last minute hiccups to keep everyone calm and just to experience working at my first ever fashion show.
Stunning and beautiful top 10 models strutted their stuff in 3 different outfits, one of their own choice of outfit, another gorgeous dress by two very talented young ladies and stunning bikinis made by another talented young designer.
We worked hard, and it was quite hectic but the show was a complete success and I think that the organisers did so well to get it off the ground.
The model that sold the most tickets won immunity for the first round, and the model who is definately through to the next round is Samantha Stephenson - I have some stunning photographs of her but since updating my web browser to IE 9 - I can't upload pictures to my blog - I dunno why... Having technical issues.
That's all for now, need to start prepping for my shoot tonight with the gorgeous Veronique Norman. Which I cannot wait for! Watch my facebook fan page for some results until I manage to fix my technical issue!
Thursday, 09 December 2010
Busy Busy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Can't believe what happens when you market yourself and work your ass off. People start to know who you are and request to work with you - instead of the other way round.
I got my brand new studio lights and backdrops 2 weekends ago... and I've only done three proper shoots with them and I've been itching to just shoot more.
My first official shoot with them was with my 6 month old nephew and his friends with Santa Clause, which was on the past weekend on the Saturday, the lights worked well and I'm still learning my way around them properly but were a success nonetheless and I have already finished editing all 3 families Christmas photos so that they can have them to enjoy for the month of December.
I then did two shoots on the Sunday with them. I shot a portrait session for a stunning young lady called Des and did her makeup and then after her I shot my first band, 11th Hour.
This week I've found out that I will be doing makeup for Jozi's Next Top Model - a show that is set to start in February but the launch party is this weekend coming up on Saturday at Jet and I'm doing 3 models makeup for the event - excitement is! I'm contemplating getting my makeup done as the event will be widely marketed and I want to make a great impression of my makeup skills too!!
I'm taking half day tomorrow so that I can do makeup for Graphic Art at lunch time and then have a wee bit of a breather before my weekend takes a hold of me. Saturday I am doing makeup for the stunning Dominique Spruch and her friend at Odendaals at 9:30am, then onward to my studio and I'm shooting two teenagers portfolios with very basic and minimal makeup and then its the launch party at 6pm at Jet next to the Dome to do 3 girls makeup and possibly one of the organisers makeup for the show.
I'm holding thumbs for Lauren Weeks to win this show! So if you wish to join, please contact me and I will make sure you get your ticket from Lauren - as the girl that sells the most tickets to the launch party wins immunity for the first challenge.
Peace, love & cupckaes,
Friday, 03 December 2010
Christmas is creeping upon us!
Can you believe today there is only another 22 days until the 25th of December?
Have you done your shopping? I tried, but have not yet succeeded and I am so unorganised at the moment, its not even funny.
Here is my company's business christmas card to anyone and everyone, so I thought I may as well post it on my blog and the amazing model is Miss Lauren Weeks. A top 10 competitor for Jozi's next top model which is going to be on Etv starting next February.
I am sooo proud of her and can't wait for her to win the show... Last night I organised a shoot with her, did her makeup and the amazing Nick Goldsworthy of NGD Photography shot it... and I can't wait to see the results!
I finally reliased on Monday that I do not know where the last year has disappeared to. My amazing boyfriend, Brett's birthday was on Monday and he turned 22 this year, and I just remembered how much stress and pressure I was under this time last year trying to make sure his 21st was perfect, trying to organise cup cakes, getting his friends to my place, organising food, drinks, money, presents etc etc. I cannot believe that its been a whole year since then.
I have Santa coming to visit my place tomorrow for a shoot with my gorgeous nephew CJ and some of my brothers friends kids... I'm so excited to see Santa, I will have to try and have my photo taken with him too, but I don't know if he will let me sit on his lap! :)
I hate Christmas shopping terribly, but I know it needs to be done. I actually lie, I don't hate it... I hate it when I absolutely no idea what to buy for people. I've literally run out of gift ideas... and I need serious help! I seem to always give people photographs which is great, as everyone appreciates a photograph in a nice frame but I honestly cannot keep on giving these unoriginal gifts as pressies. I need to do some serious brainstorming of who is getting what and then go out and fight the Christmas crowds and try to buy it, if I can find what I want!!
This time last year too, I was fairly organised as I was going to the UK to go and spend some time with my massive family over there - so I had to have all my shopping in order and everything that wasn't - I knew I'd be able to get over there... Also this time last year, my schedule was no where near as hectic as it has been this year, so now I struggle to actually find the time to do shopping period. In my free time all I want to do is either, eat, drink, be with my baby, and/ or sleep, or all of the above! ha ha!
I hope your Christmas shopping hasn't been as painful as mine is/ or is going to be... but I know it'll be worth it for a couple of days downtime to relax and recharge my batteries in time for my big road trip down to cape town!!
Peace, love & cupcakes
Thursday, 02 December 2010
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Sticky situations!
I was booked to go and do makeup for a model who was doing a shoot just for fun, I have worked with the photographer on the odd occassion before and had very good experiences with her. Before the shoot, I was under the impression only one look would be done but when I got there I was told there will be a total of four different looks and I'd only quoted for one face.
It was a fun shoot so I didn't even bother asking for more money... but waited a couple of weeks to get paid, and I generally work on a strict cash on delivery system or an EFT before the time of the shoot - just to make sure I'm not messed around, but I hardly ever enforce this when I worked with either of the parties involved as I probably trust people too easily.
Anyway, after two weeks I was getting a little frustrated as all my calls, emails, and sms's were going unanswered, and suddenly my blackberry beeped to say that I had a message on facebook. It was from the model from the shoot asking if the photographer had paid me, and I told no because I hadn't heard from the photographer since the shoot. The model replied and told me the same, and that she had been promised images a week ago and all the sms's, calls, and emails were going unanswered.
Long story short, I finally got paid and it was just a complicated situation as to why I had not been paid, but I got paid a little bit extra by the photographer as I did 3 more looks than I had quoted, but once the model received the images from the photographer she had said that she is not going to pay for them as she doesn't believe they have been edited extensively enough, nor did the photographer do the promised editing that was spoken about while she was shooting, such as enhancing colours, removing pimples, etc etc.
Now the model had paid the deposit for the shoot, which was my money for the first look - minus the extra bit of money the photographer gave me. I don't know if I'd be compelled to give this money back to the photographer to make sure that the photographer is not totally out of pocket, but I feel like the fact that I was not told I was going to be there for 3 + hours, I should have in all honesty been paid a little bit more, if not triple what I had quoted...
Aye, the party never stops and the drama never ends in this industry. If only everyone would communicate correctly before and after a shoot there would be no drama whatsoever and everyone could build a bridge and get over it... If anything monumental happens in the mean time, I will keep this here blog posted, but I don't know anymore... It's a lot of fuss over an extra R50... What can you buy for R50 nowadays anyway... Not even a new MAC lipgloss! The tradgedy! :)
Until then,
Friday, 26 November 2010
FHM Top 100 Models Who I love :-)
The first fabulous lady I've worked with many many many times is Kirsten Maarschalk. She proves that 65 is most definately the new 69! :)
Miss "Model 65" (if you are in South Africa, sms that to 34973) and I first starting talking about doing a shoot together at the beginning of the year, and suprise suprise, we still haven't done it, but we've done lots of other things in between. I first met her at her first shoot with another photographer as all her other shoots had been done with the legendary Graphic Art and naturally she was a little nervous but the images that were produced were outstanding and no one would of EVER thought that she was nervous...
Isn't she gorgeous? Go vote for her now! She deserves to be in the top 10 because not only is she gorgeous on the outside, she's an absolute darling. Do it NOWWW! :)
On the day when Simone was doing her thing my studio, Kirsten brought her drop dead gorgeous friend who is also in FHM Top 100 for 2011, Nola Schreuder.... I painted her face and snapped a couple of shots of her, here she is
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Makeup Artists Relationships with Clients
I had an interesting client a couple of weeks back and she really made me think about what my previous clients had thought of their makeup experience with myself being there makeup artist. This particular client was someone who didn't know anything about makeup, someone who doesnt wear makeup at all generally but as it was one of her first photoshoots the photographer convinced her that having your face done is essential and polishes off your look - she wasn't keen on having a makeup artist because she had a bad experience with her last makeup artist... someone whom I've heard of in the industry as being quite spectacular. She said, she specifically did not enjoy having her makeup done by this person because she took so long and would not let her see what she was doing to her face as she was done and she thought the makeup was "heavy".
I tried my hardest to explain to her for film and tv makeup is NEVER going to be as light as everyday use and I personally know a couple of people who love their every day foundation to be "heavy", I'm personally a heavy-ish foundation person, as my skin sometimes has a tendancy to go a little red on my cheeks, and I find that this can be covered if I have my heavy foundation on.
Makeup for photoshoots can always be difficult when there are models and photographers involved, as the model wants one look whereas the the photographer wants another, they both say they don't care and I must do my thing but if one wants a smokey look and the other wants a sort of natural look there can be big conflicts for my job as the makeup artist. Especially I want the client happy and the photographer as they will both tell everyone of their experience with me and whether or not they enjoyed it. The particular girl that I have spoken about in the post asked me via email to come and do her makeup again so I do hope she was pleased with the result that I produced on this particular day.
I am starting to understand now that not only am I a makeup artist, but I am also a under paid psychologist as I hear everyones problems and gossip and I find myself starting to offer advice to them from my point of view. Unfortunately- I'm known for not being the best person to give advice as my brain works in weird ways that seem to only work for me! :) So to any of my clients that I've given advice to, just remember to only take it with a pinch of salt.
My relationship with a couple of photographers has grown to be a big success this year, as my calender for this month of November shows... I was lucky a couple of weeks ago to have three or four bookings over 2 weekends a month, this month has been quite hectic juggling all my time to accomodate everyone, and now I've got some lunch time bookings to skive off work to go and beautify some people - which is a very welcomed distraction as everyone knows I'm not the biggest fan of sitting behind a desk and being a slave for my collegues, but it keeps my brain very busy!
As you can see my makeup business is finally taking off - just in time for December for it to cool down and then start all over again in January after my little trip down to Cape Town in the first few weeks of January :) So excited for that, but thats a different post for another day!
See some of my latest makeup work that I am so proud of.... All photographs by Nicholas Goldsworthy of NGD Photography
Peace, love and cupcakes,
Tuesday, 05 October 2010
About a year ago, I was introduced to Jeff Dunham by a friend and ever since then I have watched that show so many times that I can probably recite it word for word, and between a couple of my mates and I we have our little inside jokes that relate to good old Jeff, with his puppets, and at the end of the day they're are so many people who actually know who Jeff is because he has become really popular recently.
My brother also absolutely loves Mike Naiker's comedy, who is a white south african comedian, that grew up in durban and is probably a better indian than most indians, at times he can be funny... Just not when I'm trying to work and I have my brother making me listen to this guy talking about fly fishing being childish because you tease fish with false and fake flies for hours and hours. ha ha!
George, my friend also introduced me to the world of Kevin Bloody Wilson, and we went to go watch him live at Carnival City, although I never actually got to watch his show - I watched his daughter open for him and I was horribly drunk, but from what I can remember I almost pissed myself laughing at this woman. Singing about Catholic Girls being nice girls.... and the fact that chocolate is better than sex, amongst other things that really hit home for me and the boys didn't understand why I was laughing so hard. I was laughing so hard because it would of been things that the boys didn't understand. Once Kevin Bloody Wilson finally came on stage, I went to go and look after a very drunk Brett. I was drunk too, so I can't really complain. Good night though, I just learnt that I mustn't drink beer because of how quickly it gets me drunk. ha ha!
The most recent comedian that I watched last night, that had been recorded on my PVR at home. Jim Jefferies, the Aussie living in the UK and performing in the USA. An absolute laugh. I loved watching it... Simple and small facts that man comes up with, are literally outstanding. Really hilarious, but also so bloody true. If you haven't heard of him - youtube him NOW! You seriously will not regret it :)
I'm really trying to get a hand on this blogging thing... not sure if its working though, oh well, its always better than actually working :)
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Spam/ Joke Emails
1.) funny
2.) New: that I haven't read before
3.) literally make me cry because they are so funny...
4.) are not sickening to read or ruin my day once I've read them...
But at some point, the people who constantly email me 100 times a day with joke mail, it actually becomes spam mail to me at least. If I am my pc at the time of the email being sent, then its great, I can open, read and load all the wonderful and sometimes very weird pictures that you have sent me but at other times, like for example over the weekend, I see them initally on my blackberry and can't always see the pictures properly for many reasons, one being that the pictures do not always load or you can't see them because of the size of the screen. And constantly when I look at my phone I see that tiny red dot flashing away at me and I somehow initially think that someone wants to get hold of me, but its just you, again sending on jokes, like you always do.
Now I know there are many solutions to this problem, change my email address on my Blackberry, mark you as spam, ask you nicely not to send these mails to me but I don't want to do any of the above. I only want to do the above when you send me horrifying and terrible imagery that in some cases makes my stomach turn and I have a strange urge after reading your mail that I want to throw up....
I understand that shocking things are happening all over the world and we all need to be aware of it, but I don't want to see it on my work email, if I want to see that stuff I will log onto news24, or switch on sky news, or I dunno - read the newspaper?
I've been guilty of spamming some of my friends mail boxes, but at the end of the day I don't do it as much as mine is spammed daily. Maybe we all need to think before we hit forward? I mean we all need to work sometimes don't we? Why don't you start to do some work today instead of forwarding me rubbish that has been going around cyber space for years! I have been going on the internet daily since I was probably 11 years old.... Lets not forward EVERY email we receive.
I challenge you today :) Lets see if you can do it!
Monday, 02 August 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Is Fashion The Fickle-ist Industry Of Them All?
I read on a forum the other day, something along the lines of - "models have feelings too..." and the model went to discuss how it hurts to be rejected time and time again after attending every casting that becomes known to them, only to be rejected for another girl with the same dreams as said rejected model. Sad fact of reality, no matter how in shape, and well groomed the 'models' keep themselves, unless they are that small percent that manage to get a big break, the rest of them can enjoy modelling for ammateur photographers, and have pretty photos for facebook as payment, the good old TFCD, unless if they start doing promotions, but at the end of the day, the promotion lifestyle is not going to be glamourous as everyone thinks the modelling world is.
A lot of the models that I've either photographed or made up, have literally been doing the photo session as a means of a confidence builder in their lives, not many had admitted it but when I think about these girls, their confidence and self esteem was low at the point before the shoot where makeup and discussions of the shoot expections were being spoken about, but once that shoot is finished, they have a run of confidence and finally start feeling better about themselves and then their "professional photographs" are then plastered over Facebook and all their friends will comment and tell them how fabulous, amazing, draw-droppingly-sexy that they are.
I can't speak as though I know why all these girls and boys model, but that is the impression I get based on the experiences with many of the people that I've worked with. What grills with the generalised persons that I've mentioned above is that they do not actually take into account how much work goes into preparing for that shoot on the photographers part, as well as the makeup artists part sometimes. Yes, neither photography nor makeup artistry is rocket science, in fact its quite the opposite it is an art, and so is modelling, I am not taking that away from the models. Photography = light + time, and getting that right all the time is not easy, and what is makeup when it comes to photography shoots? Understanding the concept and vision that both the model and photographer have in mind and being able to bridge the gap, contour, highlight and emphasize as well as paint and create something that is not so everyday normal than what the model looks at in the mirror.
Its not only the models and makeup artists that suffer the rejection that the models deal with from not getting work from castings. Photographers and makeup artists are in some instances represented by agencies. Agencies that if you get into the correct and right one that they can make killer livings, however, they stil suffer the same rejection, humiliation, and constant being told that their work is not good enough... The problem, may be just that, the work is crap or the problem may be that the market for that particular area of talent may be saturated and monopolised by individuals with completely different ideas than the person looking to be represented, to make a living, ad that there may be NO WORK in that particular field that the individual is looking for work in.
Another problem, in South Africa is that our industry is actually rather small and that in fact, everyone in this business knows everyone, maybe not personally, but everyone knows of each others work and opinions on certain matters, thanks to modelbase and all those lovely networking tools that photographers exploit to market to the general public masses, such as facebook, twitter, myspace, etc etc. I think all photographers, makeup artists and models have the most friends possible on facebook, because they want to market their talent to the general public, who in fact couldn't give two hoots about whether I photographed a model with the correct lighting and contoured her face correctly in right spots to make her look even more beautiful. I fear that this industry may actually be pushing themselves onto everyone on the social networks in the hope that they get a paying customer, so they can get paid for the talents that they have instilled in themselves and the artistic eyes that they were born with in order to make a living.
Thats my little bitch and moan for today on my wonderful blog.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Recent June/ July Photography

One of my oldest friends, Shelly and I did our makeup course together in April. She has not had time to practice any of her new found skills on new faces since we completed the course, and I had been pestering her for a while to let me shoot the jewellry that she makes, she brought her friend Lauren Strachan to practice her make-up application on and get some free advertising for her jewellry which I think she will eventually make a facebook group to advertise both her make-up skills and her beautiful range of jewellry that she has for sale.

Kerri Rudolph, wow! One of the most fabulous models I've had the pleasure of working with and doing make-up on. We had originally decided to go and shoot also at Gillooly's, but due to it being winter and it was possibly one of the coldest days of the year, we did makeup at my studio and just played around a bit. I wasn't properly set up so the images are not my best, but Kerri made them look good.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Powerful Words
"The God's envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovlier than you are now. We will never be here again." - Troy

"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they are afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your own reality. You should stand up for your right to feel pain." - Jim Morrison

"When the power of love, overcomes the love of power - there will be peace." - Jimi Hendrix

"Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to save the world." - Nelson Mandela

And of course, my all time favourite home truth of them all! *drumroll*

"Whatever you give a woman she is going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit!" No idea who said it, but wise wise words indeed!!

Thursday, 01 July 2010
What are they even famous for anyway?

Apparently, Paris Hilton is in South Africa. I don't particulary care, yet here I am writing a blog about it. The main purpose behind this blog is that there are so many celebrities nowadays and they are all so famous and a lot have a ton of respect from the public for doing good things, and others well are all we talk about. Here is a prime example of one, Paris Hilton, famous for what?
In a way, I do have to give it to her, I mean she could possibly start the next revolution, or at least a move towards the next revolution, since she is respected and disrespected by so many people, and is constantly in the public eye but to start a revolution you'd actually have to use the wonderful evolotion of thousands of years that our brains have undergone and it doesn't seem like any of these girls do use their brains, generally only their publicists. With that amount of exposure, what would you as an ordinary citizen do? Even if you did get famous and "known" for having a sex video leak of yourself?? Why not battle to solve one of the worlds major problems, instead of getting drunk and partying on tables showing your underwear or lack there of, Paris?
Sometimes, when I switch on the tv and the E! channel has been left on I find myself sitting there and cringing at the shit that they talk about, who cares who is knocking up who? Or who Miley Cyrus is dating? Or who's getting married/divorced and having babies and calling them after fruit and alcohol? I don't give a fuck, but there must be so many people in the world who actually do, for the fact that an american channel has reached South Africa, so therefore its not only the Americans that care, its clearly a large enough amount of the South Africans that actually care about the scandalous lives of the brats in America, who just influence small kids into being as slutty as possible at a young age. Let the kids be kids, don't let them be influenced by the crap that is that of the social lives of these people.
Oh well, enough about that... Thats my opinion, everyone has their own about people like this, and yes I'm making a sceptical of Paris, but she is not the only one, look at Kim Kardashian for example. They are the people that make a small minority of the models that I've had the (dis)pleasure of working with so dificult, because the models all think people like Paris, Britney, Lindsay, Kim, the list goes on are amazing, and guess what? They're just spoilt, over paid, brats.
Thursday, 03 June 2010
Time Flies
I can't believe we're half way through the year already. I'm actually in shock that I'm back to wearing my most comfy winter clothes and snuggling up of a night time... I'm even more at shock at the fact that I turn 20 this year which scares the living daylights out of me... The reason I've been feeling so old recently is that my brother had a baby on the 28th of April, my brother, the guy that I think of being just turned 18 driving his car, fetching me from school and teasing me that I still had another 10 years of school left... That brother, my only brother, had a baby, is happily married and is turning 30 this year. It scares the living daylights out of me. I'm getting old, but he's always going to be those 10 years older than me, even though he still acts like the 18 year old that I think of, he'll always be 10 years older than me...
Age is a funny thing, like I said when I started blogging again... I started this blog in 2007, of which the majority of my blogs have been deleted and luckily - no one ever read it because it was so embarassing! I was back then such a loser... I know I am still a loser, but 2 years ago I was way off the loser scale, I was a monster. I am still a monster but I think I'm a much better behaved monster than I was then... Or possibly, I'm a even worse monster now, but I just don't see it. Wow, I'm confusing myself. I must shut up now.
I'm turning 20... have I achieved what I wanted to by now, 5 years ago? Nope, probably not but I must say that I do think I have a achieved a lot, but I know I could of achieved more. This year, I have a lot of things left to achieve, and I will. I started my DM course in 2008 in Feb, and I will finish it this year, even though now the majority of my diving is going to be through the winter... it'll make me stronger in the long run. I need to start training for my swims because I know I am currently so unfit its a joke! I also need to start diving again... I have a love for it, I definately do, just gotta grin and bear the annoyingness that comes with the training part. I'll do it. I'm writing it here on this blog for the world to see that I will do it, I don't care how hard, or how much blood, sweat and tears I shed, I'll really appreciate it in the long run.

And in saying that, I should stop blogging, get off the net (which I will probably only do once I get the will power to switch my laptop off) but I should stop procrastinating, wasting time and my youth ;) and try do some more studying!

Wednesday, 02 June 2010
Seasons Wither 2010

Seasons Wither is meant to be a metal/alternative music festival, of which I have a pretty extensive knowledge about and yet they hold it at one of the most preppy night clubs in Johannesburg. I'm possibly being very biased, I've never been to Jet before, but just walking into it - it looked like Ruby Blue used to look, extreme jock, preppy night club. I was not there all day like Brett and the rest of my friends. Brett and I left kakplaas at 9am to get there for just gone 10am as I had to do makeup for 3 girls in Boksburg from 12:30. We raced from Springs to Northgate to only find that we had left the tickets behind on the kitchen counter at Brett's place. We actually freaked out and started making alternative arrangements for me to pop past Brett's place after my shoot and race to Northgate again. Thank god we didn't have to resort to that because we found an internet cafe and did some printing and TA DAA - we had tickets which I had pre-ordered online for R80, compared to paying R150 on the day.
I got my wrist band, and onward to Boksburg I went, makeup kit in hand. I had such a fabulous time at the shoot that I actually didn't want to leave. I did makeup for 3 girls, and was having so much fun drinking wine, I even got roped into modelling for the 3 photographers because I was causing trouble. Modelling feels awkward, and I have no idea how people can model. Thats probably why I'm such a behind the scenes type of girl - photography & makeup. Leaving the shoot I got ordered to go buy alcohol for my friends who were all at Seasons. I eventually got there, 80km's later and we spent more time in the car lot, drinking, smoking, shouting at scene kids (you had to be there to appreciate the humour in that), going to mac donalds for food and generally just horsing around. I first went inside to see Haggis & Bong, who I had been looking forward to seeing but they were in such a confined area that the music from the bagpipes and the percussion from the drums sounded horrible because the roof was literally a few centimeters higher than their heads. So all in all, they were a let down. Then we went out to the cars again and only went back inside to see Hog Higgidy Hog, who I must say are definately one of my most favourite South African musicians - simply because they are unique. There set only started at 1am and I was really let down by the fact that a lot of the Season's goers had left. The Hog's performance, really was that, a performance and they rocked out. Definately the highlight of the day...
Seasons wasn't terrible, but it was no where near what I was looking for in a day festival. Despite the fact that it was meant to be over 18, and they had extensively advetised it - guess what. A bunch of highschool boys and girls got mommy and daddy to drop them off so they could come to Seasons... The drinks were way over priced and more fun was had in the parking lot because it was actually cheaper than drinking inside. Maybe next year they will actually do something worth the money.... We can always go watch Hog Higgidy Hog in Cape Town or at Back to Basix where they play a lot in Jhb... Not great organising and planning from the Seasons Wither organisers...
I didn't bother taking any photos... I was worried about pulling my camera out infront of a bunch of drunken children. I'm paranoid, but I don't have any money to actually replace it if anything happens to it. Better safe than sorry I guess!
Just hope they can improve because they have the potential be something great, especially with the following and fan base that they have.Peace, love & cupcakes